Important To Read !

• Please use updated versions of either Google Chrome or Firefox.

• If you need any help in the forms there is guidline for each one of the forms at the top next to headline

• Avoid from sharing your credential informaiton if a user login to a system with your user name and password will enter unrelated information to the system in that case you will go under Pressure.

• Enter data with care and accurately.

• Required fields will be colored as red if it is left empty or inproper inputs.

• Write ID number on each School selection criteria form from MIS portal from ID text box to simply be find in the datbase.

• Text boxes which accept only numbers it only accept number from keyboard other keyboard key are disabled.

• Textboxes which accept date when you click on that calender will be open you can select the date from that.

• Submit hard copy of the forms within one week for double checking the data in database.

• Don't forget to sign out from database when you done your work.